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LaliBlue : World Day : Lantern Party Necklace [PRE-ORDER]


Product image 1LaliBlue :  World Day : Lantern Party Necklace [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 2LaliBlue :  World Day : Lantern Party Necklace [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 3LaliBlue :  World Day : Lantern Party Necklace [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 4LaliBlue :  World Day : Lantern Party Necklace [PRE-ORDER]

Regular price $ 77.95 AUD

[Note: Pre-orders close on 26th May. Expected delivery at Broochaholic HQ is early/mid June] 

The arrival of the Chinese New Year is celebrated with many traditional acts: dances, red lanterns, fireworks, acrobatics, music and much more.

Piece of the necklace of flowers and lanterns: 8.5 x 8 cm

Necklace length: 45 cm + 7 cm chain extension

Made with different acrylics: semi-transparent red, glitter gold and mirror gold.

Red crystal rhinestones and beige cotton tassel.

Very light, almost do not weigh.


Original design de LaliBlue. Made entirely in our workshop in Spain.


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