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Erstwilder : Frida Kahlo : My Own Muse Frida Necklace [LUCKY LAST!]


Product image 1Erstwilder : Frida Kahlo : My Own Muse Frida Necklace [LUCKY LAST!]
Product image 2Erstwilder : Frida Kahlo : My Own Muse Frida Necklace [LUCKY LAST!]
Product image 3Erstwilder : Frida Kahlo : My Own Muse Frida Necklace [LUCKY LAST!]

Regular price $ 119.95 AUD

"I am leaving you my portrait so you’ll have me in front of you every day and every night in which I am far away from you."

75mm x 60mm, Chain length 41.5mm with 9mm extender


Please be aware that resin is akin to ceramic and glass and therefore may be damaged if dropped or knocked. Due to the use of high quality silver-plating in our brooch clasps, tarnishing and oxidisation can occur, producing black and gold discolouration. As with all silver products, you can simply restore it using a silver cloth. Keep your Erstwilder companion neatly tucked away in this box when not being worn, avoid contact with perfumes, lotions, water and excessive sunlight and you’ll have a trusted friend for years to come.


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